Sunday, August 15, 2010

The person in this picture had one half green half brown eye, so the brown part of the eye I could only darken :/ but I like how it turned out

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A live crab I found at the beach!

This was an actually live HUGE crab that I found on the beach. This was taken on a tiny little digital camera, not high quality at all, but I had to get a quick shot of it before it crawled away. Right after I took the picture I went to tell my family, and then when I tried to show them, it was gone. Back out to sea :)
Haven't posted for a long time! Here is a picture of my two favorite rings. I love playing around with my pictures.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Juliet is a great model

 I'm actually allergic to cats, but since we need cats to get the mice out here, we got two kittens. I never really touch them cause the allergies will go crazy, but they are adorable! Juliet is a perfect model.

Dew drops :)

I really love black and white photos. I read recently that when you are photographing pictures specifically for black and white, that you want something with texture, something that stands out. Also I love the state that I live in because of all the grey days, you can always get a good b&w shot.

Juliet, our adorable kitten

This is one of my favorite shots, very simple, but I love it.